Mum on her travels, with a friend whose name I wish I could recall.
She was always an avid reader.
Lisa and Jill
Lisa and Melinda
Lisa and Melinda
Lisa and Melinda on a first birthday venture
A Christmas gathering held long ago
Robert's (Nephew) Christening
Lisa, her daughter and another horse.
Lisa Young
Lisa on a walk
Robert's (Nephew) Christening Picture Number 2
Lisa and Melinda
Like Mother, Like Daughter
A marginally more flattering photo of Mother and Daughter
This is close to where I now live, in Cornwall, and always reminded me of the stories Lisa told of her horse Bumble and her life before I knew her. Jenn
Diane & Allan's wedding, 1991
Lisa's 21st birthday 1988
Osterley flatwarming 1989
Our first 'proper' Christmas. One that didn't involve numerous nappies and a premature, permanently hungry, screaming baby... but did involve a piano played by a one-year-old. Only a Mother's brand of love can determine which one was better.
London 1998. I am five and Mum is thirty-one.
Lisa on her travels
Lisa and the Berlin Wall
The Mighty Boulder of Life
The Sydney Opera House feat. Lisa
She loved her daughter despite her questionable sand castles...